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Web and Mobile Conversion Optimization Tricks for Retailers to Boost Sales

By Robert Kazmi
By Robert Kazmi
7 minutes read

As more retailers migrate to digital platforms, competition on the web is becoming stronger. It is no longer sufficient to have a great retail web app. Some companies are opting for mobile apps, and even this isn’t enough. Having both alternatives seems like a safe bet, but these tools by themselves will not increase your numbers if you don’t know how to close a sale in the digital world. 

No matter the platform you use, you need to have a strong marketing strategy that converts potential customers into brand advocates. Only by doing so will you be able to grow your sales in the long run. 

In this post we analyze the importance of sales conversions for retailers, and we also share with you some tips on how to increase sales through web and mobile app conversion optimization. Let’s start by analyzing the concept of conversion and why it matters. 


Marketing has become a very scientific discipline thanks to the internet. Its data has empowered marketers to make game-changing decisions on a scientific basis. The rise of behavioral sciences has also contributed to this. Understanding consumer behavior has resulted in a reshaping of the business conversation from one of customers and companies to one of followers and brands. As a result, marketing has experienced a rebirth within the c-level suite in recent years. Part of this transformation involves the use of specific metrics that help decision-makers improve their numbers while strengthening their relationship with their base. 

One of the most important metrics that modern marketers use is conversion. Any desired action on behalf of a user or follower of your brand is a conversion. We may want people to follow our social media accounts, and that might be a conversion goal. We may also want people to buy our products, and that is also a conversion goal. 

What we are referring to on this post is a digital sales conversion, that is, having someone come in contact with our web or mobile app and buy something. In reality, the concept of conversion shouldn’t be limited to this, but that will be the topic for another post. 

Why Conversion Optimization Matters

There are only so many conversions you can have if you let things take their organic natural course. That’s why marketers exist. They can understand what works in order to improve metrics. This does not mean manipulating people, but rather helping them get what they need. 

Think for example of people who are in need of a telemedicine service. They are probably going through some illness that needs to be solved as soon as possible. The first step would be to search for various alternatives before deciding on the one that has the best fit. In an ideal world, the best solution would surely be chosen. However, after browsing, the final choice might not necessarily end up being the best one. Sometimes the chosen alternative is the one that was able to communicate its message in a better way when compared to its competitors. 

Marketers make sure that their product or service is the chosen one. They obtain conversions by understanding what people need, making it easier for sales goals to be achieved. Brands that fail to do this will pass unnoticed. 

The use of web and mobile apps has practically become a retail standard. This is very convenient, as these tools allow marketers to improve their offerings based on data touchpoints. By analyzing the data collected through an app, better decisions can be made. 

4 Tips to Optimize Your Retail App’s Conversion

There are many techniques that can be used to optimize sales conversion rates through web and mobile apps. These are some of the ones we recommend:

Define Your Audience

Having a clear idea of who your audience is can make all the difference in terms of sales. It’s not the same to sell to client A than to sell to client B. They might be looking for different things and their ways of communicating might differ. 

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You want to make sure that you have clearly identified what the person who is looking for your products or services wants. Building a user persona is a great way to identify your audience. To do this, build a couple of imaginary characters that you know will reach out to you. Who are they? What do they have in common? What are they looking for? Why did they choose you? Questions like these will help you understand their train of thought and decision process. 

Make sure to justify your assumptions on solid data when possible. This will not always be a practical solution, but when it is, do it. Only by doing so can you have a clear idea of what people want and how they want it. 

Invest in a Good App

Having a good app is key to a successful retail experience. You might have your audience right, but if you can’t deliver an adequate online experience, you are losing your time. The right app starts by finding the right retail app development partner. Developing a world-class app requires very specific knowledge, so don’t leave it up to just anyone. 

It is important that your app delivers a great User Experience (UX). This will help you engage users, which will eventually lead to conversions. Think about the features you want to deliver and how this might help accomplish your conversion goals. Be specific about your audience’s needs and how to solve them. 

It would be great to offer an app for every platform, but this is sometimes impossible due to budget constraints. Make sure you understand the differences between web and mobile apps so you can decide which is your best option. 

Test What Works and What Doesn’t

Testing your assumptions is of great importance. This not only applies to the definition of your audience. Almost everything should be tested, especially when it comes to digital products. You can start by trying out how your app’s user interface performs by doing small changes. This is called A/B testing, but you can actually test as many variables as you want. 

The key goal is to monitor what works or performs better. To do so, you will need test subjects that help you collect relevant data. Doing tests is an art in itself, so don’t be discouraged if this takes you a while to dominate. You can learn more about it here

Be prepared to change your course if you find that one of your assumptions does not work. Iterations are alright if they help you improve your app. 

Let Data Guide You

Your app is not only useful to engage with users. Remember that one of the most important tools marketers have available is data. Apps let you gather a lot of information, but make sure to comply with privacy regulations. If your app includes a payment gateway, make sure to be PCI compliant

Based on the data you collect, you’ll be able to make improvements. You can even use the data to perform A/B tests. The data by itself is of no use if you don’t know how to interpret it, so you might want to learn about marketing analytics and how to track them to optimize conversions.

Final Thoughts

Optimizing your retail app for conversions is not an easy task, but it isn’t quantum physics. As with developing your app, the best you can do is find the right development partner. If you do so, you will not only be gaining someone who is experienced in retail app development, but someone who is also knowledgeable about how to market your brand properly. 

At Koombea we have over 12 years of experience designing and developing world-class retail apps. Contact us for a free consultation and start optimizing your conversions right away. 

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