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Dinero features Jonathan Tarud as a “Tech Genius”

By Robert Kazmi
Dinero features Jonathan Tarud as a
By Robert Kazmi
1 minute read

What do Grooveshark and PulsoSocial have in common besides both starting in Colombia? The answer is that both were also the brainchildren of Colombian CTO Andres Barreto. This year Dineros “101 Business Geniuses” for 2013 took a look at all the Andres’ out there that are powering innovation and changing technology. Koombea’s Founder, Jonathan Tarud, made the list at #52 for most promising technology genius. “He’s a successful case that shows Colombia is a strong force in smartphone applications,” Dinero quotes.

Jonathan’s journey through entrepreneurship began with Koombea servicing small startups and now working with even larger Fortune 500 companies. “We’ve taken a big leap by moving from Silicon Valley Startups to Fortune 500 companies, which represents most of our work these days,” Jonathan states.

Other Koombea friends that made the list were Jairo Nieto, Alejandro Gonzalez, and Alexander Torrenegra,

What do you think? Were there any Colombia leaders missing on this year’s list? Tweet us or email us at

We’re a proud Colombian company that builds MVPs, based in Barranquilla with offices in San Francisco and New York.

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