We’ve discussed numerous times how technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) are only as good as their apps. After all, users rely on them to process vast amounts of information and determine which features to use. If a user can’t get the job done, objectives will be hard to achieve. This is also true of apps for IoT devices used in industrial processes.
These devices have been gaining terrain in recent years. A wide variety of industries are using them to track, monitor and control their supply chains, allowing processes to be optimized. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. The combination of poorly built apps and wrong implementation practices of IoT driven industrial processes can lead to the failure of entire industrial processes. The consequences of failing to implement IoT devices successfully are huge.
This post discusses some of the critical aspects to consider in an app when implementing an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) strategy.
An Industrial Internet of Things Strategy
Many industries constantly face the challenge of being productive and efficient. Failing to do so means paving the way for competitors. Staying ahead in terms of industrial processes is thus a matter of survival. As a result, it is not surprising that a lot of effort is directed towards innovating how operations and processes are executed.
One innovation that has gained considerable attention in recent years is the utilization of IoT technologies to optimize industrial processes. Many companies are starting to realize that having state of the art Industrial IoT devices is a necessity. Thus, many business strategies are beginning to rely heavily on them as a critical success factor. Companies can benefit from this strategy in a number of ways: keeping track of assets, checking the state of machinery, collecting real-time critical data, and managing equipment in a remote way.
The challenge, as with most strategies, is in its implementation. This is where most companies find a dead end. On many occasions, industrial firms lack the necessary know-how and skills to implement a technological solution that aligns with their processes. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution that can be applied to complex industrial systems. Doing so requires a thorough analysis of what a company needs and the best way to do it.
Implementation: Tailored Optimization & Process Monitoring
Optimizing processes is an inherent goal of many industries. Think for example of an automaker. Operations are surely standardized, but there’s probably a lot to do to reduce inefficiencies, improve resource allocation, plan maintenance activities, and automate repetitive tasks.
Management may realize that IoT driven processes are a strategic asset to achieve within its long term competitiveness goals. However, this might surpass the organization’s expertise. Companies usually find themselves at the crossroads of leaving things as they are, risking becoming obsolete, or venturing into undiscovered territory. The first alternative is costly in the long term, and the second one is risky, but rewards can be considerable.
Once decided for the second alternative, a company’s best choice is to hire a technology specialist to figure out the best way to implement its winning IoT strategy. The implementation will require figuring out which processes are susceptible of being improved with IoT devices, how operators can benefit from this, and, most importantly, how to develop the right app to manage the new system being built.
This last is probably the most critical step throughout the Industrial IoT implementation process. Having the right app can make all the difference between success and failure when it comes to implementation.
The Right Industrial IoT App
Implementing an Industrial IoT system goes hand in hand with developing a powerful app to manage and control it. Powerful hardware needs the right integration software to make sense of data and processes. It is of no use to have a robust system that operators cannot handle properly. This is where the right technological partner comes into play. It isn’t enough to know about IoT deployment. It is also necessary to understand how to use this technology’s capabilities to build the right app.
A successful Industrial IoT app needs to be easy to use, secure, and flexible enough to meet users’ requirements. Having someone who understands the importance of good design is essential. Additionally, it is necessary to make sure that everything works perfectly; this can only be done through the right Quality Assurance tests. Lastly, setting up the correct cloud configuration parameters is a must.
These considerations will help guarantee that your app is easily scalable throughout the organization and that it can be easily updated when needed. Most importantly, they will help you optimize and monitor your processes, therefore increasing productivity and efficiency.
At Koombea we’ve been helping our customers develop the right Industrial IoT infrastructure for over 12 years. We understand the challenges this poses. That’s why, through time, we have perfected our custom Agile methodology that allows us to build the IoT app your company needs. It is guaranteed to meet even the most demanding needs.
Don’t let your project in the hands of anyone. Contact us for a free consultation and convince yourself that Koombea is the right alternative to implement that winning IoT strategy.