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Angular Modal Service Explained

By Jose Gomez
By Jose Gomez
App Development
5 minutes read

Angular modal service allows developers to create dialog boxes that must be interacted with before additional action can be taken on a web page or in an application. Modal dialogs are an important part of app development. It is easy for this topic to get overly technical, but we’re going to avoid diving into the technicalities of Angular modal service. 

Instead, we will focus on giving you an overview of what Angular is, what modal dialogs are, and why modal service is crucial to the overall functionality and User Interface of your application. 

Understanding Angular Modal Service

Getting an understanding of Angular modal service might seem complicated and overly technical, but if we break this topic down into its three separate parts, it is much easier to understand and see the value it has for your organization. Let’s learn more about this important web development tool. 

What is Angular?

Before we can take a look at how modal service applies to Angular, we need to have a brief understanding of what Angular actually is. Angular is an open-source web application framework that is written in TypeScript. Angular was developed and is actively maintained by the Angular Team at Google and a large online community. 

This is a component-based web application framework that has gained a lot of popularity because it makes building scalable web applications very easy. Angular also possesses a number of integrated libraries that provide developers with tools that cover a wide range of different features from routing to forms management. 

Many app developers enjoy working with Angular because it includes a suite of tools that allow them to write, test, and update their code. Angular was designed to be easy to update so that developers can take advantage of the latest updates and innovations without having to expend a lot of effort in the process of updating. 

Angular is often confused or equated with AngularJS. These are two separate things. Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS done by the same team who originally wrote AngularJS. Despite the fact that Angular is a rewrite of AngularJS, AngularJS still exists and is still used by some. 

What are Modal Dialogs?

Modal windows are not unique to Angular. In fact, you likely have encountered modal dialogs today if you have been on the Internet. The term modal dialog or modal window might sound complicated, but it is really not. A modal window is more commonly called a popup by average users.

These popup windows require user interaction. In some cases, users are forced to interact or complete the action prompted by a modal dialog. For example, if you try to use Instagram online without signing in, a modal dialog will popup, prompting you to sign in or sign up. You won’t be able to use Instagram without completing this action. 

In other cases, a modal window will allow you to close it without requiring any action from you. You might see these popups asking for an email address or survey participation or even just a reminder of a sale or event. 

The real question your organization needs to consider is how intrusive you want your modal dialog box to be. There are definite advantages to locking users out until they sign up or complete the desired action of your modal window. Anyone using your application will be forced to sign up or complete a conversion action. This can help increase your conversions and users.

However, an intrusive modal window can also drive users away from your application. It is one thing for Instagram, an app that is already firmly established and has a large user base, to force users to sign up before using their app. People already have an idea of the value and service it provides.

If your app is less firmly established with users, you might encourage users to abandon your app in the face of a modal window that cannot be closed without completing an action. It is hard for users to see the value of your app or service if they can’t use it without signing up. 

What is Modal Service?

Now that you have a better understanding of what modal windows are let’s explain modal service. When you have a popup or dialog box on the screen, any actions taken need to be communicated back page components. 

In the example of Instagram, when a user has signed up, the modal window needs to disappear and give the user full access to the application. If modal dialogs didn’t communicate with page components, they wouldn’t be helpful to organizations or users. They would just be in the way. 

Modal service facilitates communication between on-page components and modal components. Modal service also maintains an active list of available on-page modals and the methods for interacting with them. 

Final Thoughts 

Angular makes it easy for developers to create custom modal windows or follow a modal template. What is important for your organization to understand is that Angular gives you the ability to create just about any type of modal window you desire. Organizations also need to think about how intrusive their modals will be. Will users be forced to interact, or can they close your modal window without completing an action?

If you need help determining the best approach to modal dialog windows, reach out to an app development partner. Use the industry experience and technical expertise a partner can provide to help you make the most out of your application. Whether you need help understanding Angular modal service or any other topic related to app development, a partner can help your organization succeed.

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