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24 Ideas to Promote Your Mobile App for Free

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There were almost 147 billion app downloads in 2022. The app market is constantly expanding and a mobile app is one of the best ways to grow your business.

But with a few million apps available to download, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. You might have a great app, but people need to know about it. Creating a solid app will require quite a bit of financial investment. But promoting one doesn’t have to. 

In this article, we’ll share 24 free ideas to help you start promoting your app today. 

What is mobile app promotion?

Mobile app promotion is one aspect of a marketing strategy that focuses on increasing the visibility and downloads of your app. It involves creating a website, setting up social media accounts, advertising on different platforms, and running campaigns that draw attention to your app.

The goal is to reach as many potential users as possible and get them to download the app. By doing this, you can increase user engagement and ultimately boost revenue from the app. 

While you want to reach as many users as possible, the key is to reach the right audience. The target audience for your app is not “everyone.” So make sure you’ve done your homework so you know who you’re targeting in your promotions

24 Ideas to Promote Your Mobile App for Free 

Everyone loves free, right? As a marketer or business owner, you’d likely agree. With inflation rates still high, small businesses need to take advantage of free tools that can help grow their business. 

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 24 free ideas to help you promote your app. 

Let’s get to it!

1. Create a Landing Page

Create a landing page for your app to ensure that it stands out from the competition. A well-designed landing page can help you promote your app and increase user engagement, making it easier for potential customers to learn about and download your app. What’s even better is that a landing page helps your app get more easily discovered in search engines. 

2. Optimize for Google and the App Store

How do you get your app found in search engines? Just like there are factors that affect your website’s Google ranking, there are criteria that affect how well your app ranks in Google and in the app stores’ search function. You can optimize in several ways:

  • Choose the right app name
  • Write an appropriate and engaging app description
  • Include keywords
  • Use high-quality screenshots or videos
  • Keep your metadata updated if you ever change anything in the app

3. Create Blog Content

Crafting content and creating a content strategy that is related to your app may help bring more traffic to your website, which will increase brand awareness. It might take time and effort to make content but it could be worth it in the end. Pressed for time? You can try out AI writing software like Ryter or Jasper to help you craft simple content more quickly. However, crafting content with such tools can have readability, clarity, and tone issues. So, it is always recommended that you rephrase it with an AI paraphraser.

4. Add a Link to Your App on Your Website

Adding app download links to your website can help increase the number of your app downloads. You can include links through banners, in the text, or somewhere else on the website.

5. Create an Email Signature

Email is not dead yet. Research shows 43% of white-collar workers check their email every few hours outside of work. If you don’t have a link and a blurb about your blog in your email signature, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. It’s a simple and free way to promote a mobile app that you set up once. Then forget about it!

6. Update Your Email Autoresponder

Speaking of email, your email can work for you even when you’re out of the office or on vacation. Change the auto-response message on any emails you own (personal or work) to include a mention of your app. Add a link to the download page in the message. Check out the best email autoresponders for help in this department.

7. Use QR Codes

 Use QR Codes

Easily create a free dynamic QR code for your app and put it on your website, TV ads, print materials, presentations, or anything else potential users will see. 

8. Promote on Social Media

It feels like this one should go without saying. Promote your app on every social media channel regularly. Include a link to the app in your LinkTree (or similar account). 

9. Record a Podcast Episode

Recording a podcast episode devoted to talking about your app is a great way to promote it. You can share why you created it, the benefits for the user, development, features, or whatever else listeners would find helpful. Don’t have a podcast? That’s okay. Check out the next idea. 

10. Be a Guest on a Podcast

If you don’t have a podcast, or even if you do, ask other podcasters if you can be a guest to talk about your app. Of course, make sure the podcasters you ask are either 1) in your industry or 2) have listeners who would benefit from using your app. Being a guest on a podcast gives you increased credibility with your target audience. 

11. Get Featured in a Blog Post

This is similar to being a podcast guest. Scour the internet to find websites that do app reviews. Submit your app to be reviewed. This one can be scary because you are out of control. They may not like your app! But if you’re confident that it’s been developed properly and adds value to the user’s life, then put yourself out there!

12. List It in an App Directory

Listing your mobile app in at least one app directory can help people find it. There are dozens of app directories–AppChatter, AppAdvice, and App Safari are just a few. Having your app listed in multiple places increases its visibility. 

13. Create a Video Tour

Creating a video tour of your mobile app is an effective way to promote it. It helps potential users to get familiar with the app’s features and understand how it works. A video tour can also be used as a great marketing tool, as it can be shared on social media, websites, and other platforms. You can also collaborate with a video production startup to help you come up with these videos and make them as engaging as possible.

You can easily create a video tour using the screen recording feature on your phone. Then add some music and, voila! You have yourself a free video tour to put on your site or social channels. Additionally, if you want to expand your audience reach, stream on Twitch and YouTube at the same time for broader engagement and exposure.

14. Start Social Media Groups

Promoting generally on social media can be helpful, but if your app appeals to a niche market, try starting groups. You can share educational content on Facebook and LinkedIn groups. This could help in the promotion of an app without spending any money. Keep in mind that promotional content is generally not allowed in these groups, so stick to informational content.

If you already have an existing audience, instead of email, you can message your customers on WhatsApp business platform. This is possible through WhatsApp API and can become a part of your multichannel marketing strategy.

15. Apply for an App Award

Did you know you can apply for an app award? Best Mobile App Awards, Appy Awards, and Apple Design Awards are just three types of app awards. Entering gives you instant visibility. But imagine how much winning would boost your credibility. Create the best app you can–then go win a competition with it!

16. Partner with a Micro-Influencer

You’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute. Influencers? These are supposed to be free ideas.” If you want a celebrity influencer to promote your app, then yes, that would cost you. But you can find micro-influencers in your industry or niche to promote your brand. These people still may have between 10,000 to 100,000 followers.

17. Comment on Relevant Blog Posts

If you find blogs in your industry that are talking about the things you are, find relevant blogs and comment on them. If people have paint points that your app solves, tell them about it. Link to it. Ask them to download and rate it. This one will cost you in terms of time. It may take a while to find these blogs, read them, and then interact in the comment threads. But it will be worth it. 

18. Join an Online Forum

Online forums are spaces devoted to a particular topic. Find a forum that’s related to the problem your app is trying to solve. Interact as you would on website blog posts and share about your app. 

19. Host a Giveaway

Okay, so we cheated a little. This one is not technically free (but it could be–more on that in a second). 

Get people to download, try out your app, and post about it by giving away something your customers would like. Don’t have a big budget for a giveaway? Give them a discount on in-app purchases or other products your company offers. It’s a way to give something away without spending money. 

20. Ask for Ratings

The importance of ratings for app promotion cannot be overstated. The more ratings your app has, the better it does in app store search rankings.

21. Encourage and Respond to Reviews

If you’re wondering how to get customers to leave reviews, the answer is simple: ask them. These reviews make a huge difference in terms of visibility on the app stores and influence purchasing decisions. Additionally, they increase your credibility and improve your position in search results. And don’t forget to respond to every review–especially the negative ones.

22. Promote on Q&A Sites

Sites like Quora, Stack Exchange, Reddit, and others are Q&A sites people visit to find various information. You can answer questions and point people to your app. Which site you choose will depend on your industry and audience. 

23. Stream Your App Launch

When you’re ready to launch your app, make it a big deal! It’s like your app’s birthday. Stream it for the world to see. Be sure it’s exciting, full of energy, and fun. This would also be a great time for a giveaway!

24. Ask to write a Guest Post 

Finally, reach out to bloggers in your industry and ask to be a guest blogger. You can write about anything–it doesn’t have to be about your app. If you can write a guest post on a well-known blog, that will generate traffic to your website and people will find your app.

Wrapping Up

You need to put time, money, and effort into building a great mobile app, but that alone is not enough for success. To get the desired results, you should also invest in marketing and promoting the product.

Thankfully, you don’t have to break the bank to market your app since there are so many ways to do it for free. One of the most effective ways to get your app noticed is optimizing it for the app stores since most people search for apps on these platforms.

We’ve offered some suggestions on how to promote an app, so why don’t you give those a go? We’d love to know what you tried and how it went!

We know mobile app development and promotion can be intimidating. That’s why at Koombea, we’re dedicated to helping you discover the most suitable technology solutions for your business needs. Get in touch so we can help you get started today!

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